Armor-Tile Ad
Delivered the ad design and layout for this tactile floor tile. Provided the copywriting, hired the photographer, and art directed the photoshoot. This ad was placed in trade publications for both print and online.
The product was unique to the industry because of it's easy installation and replacement. The close-up photography was intentionally angled to create movement and a dramatic effect to reflect the product's dynamic versatility. The boldness of the yellow was played up and modernized against the grey header area and and the grey body copy on the white background. This allowed for the 'Armor-Tile' logo to standout bolder, reserving the use of black exclusively to the brand mark.
In order to produce the grey CMYK body copy and ensure printability, a medium line weight was applied to preserve a cleaner registration for the web printing of the magazine. The same line weight was also applied to the smallest white copy in the grey header area.