Sabatini's Soups – Brand Extension
Design and layout for 12 soup labels, this was a new brand extension. Adapted the brand standards that we established for the original line of quiches. Two soup lines were developed: Homestyle Soup - defined by the modern bowl resting on a small charger; Seafood Soup - defined by a fancier bowl with side handles. In both lines we simplified the variant cue with a simple window cutout in each bowl to show the live product through the glass jar.
These labels were printed on clear film,
using digital printing methods to save on special colour charges for the flavour variants. Sourced the printer as the customer was using traditional methods for years. Production challenge: avoid creating 6 separate dielines which would have been expensive and slow down production. Solution: The same soup bowl was used, and the inside of the bowl was kept clear like a window to showcase the actual soup through the label - one single dieline for 6 different flavours!